Amber: A natural hair queen rocks A Leap of Style

So, who's Amber?

It's no secret that we love the girls of NaturallyGG! The two sisters, Amber and Carissa have shared their love for all things natural hair and beauty with their YouTube subscribers and Instagram followers for years and we totally love them both! Don't let the great curls fool you! Amber has both beauty and brains, and is an ICU nurse working towards her masters' degree! We also hear she's making an appearance at the Beauty & Style Expo at Essence Festival this year - we can't wait to see that! We asked Amber to play dress up in our favorite African patterns of the season and the results were stunning. See more below!


Q: What does taking a leap of style, or a fashion risk, mean to you?

Taking a leap of style means dressing for your mood and feeling, unapologetically. Not caring about what anyone else thinks and wearing your clothes shamelessly is extremely important. Rocking your personal style, whatever that might be, with confidence is key. The clothes you put on should be a representation of your personality! 

Q2: What was your favorite thing about the pieces you wore for the feature photo shoot?

Wearing the pieces I wore in the shoot made me feel like a precious and cherished jewel. The material was expensive and it really fit me in all the right places! The moment I put on the outfits, I instantly felt confident and powerful. Wearing those clothes made me feel like royalty! I can't wait to wear them again!


Keep up with Amber through her Instagram account @unearthedamber and on her YouTube Channel, too! 

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