So, who's Jasmine?
Jasmine Winters, better known to some as @jd_winters, is a force of beauty, humor, style, and poise in the natural hair community! Like many of the naturalistas we've featured, Jasmine also has a YouTube channel where she shares tutorials for how to achieve some of the best natural hair styles you've ever laid eyes on. But, don't let the beauty and those curls fool you: this girl has a heart of gold. She is the founder of the Walk a Mile Foundation which collects shoes to donate to Houston-area kids in need. Oh, and a little known side note is that Jasmine was one of our models in our first ever fashion event - if you scroll all the way down to the first photo we ever posted on IG, you'll catch a glimpse of that show!
Q: What does taking a leap of style, or a fashion risk, mean to you?
A style risk to me is letting the inner you shine on the outside. To me it's not just being daring as much. It's just about being unapologetically you. Not forming into a style that society says is appropriate or suitable for their eyes.
Q: How has blogging and logging affected your personal style if at all? How do you maintain your personal style when there are so many influences in the blogging world?
It didn't affect me for long; I figured out how to make [my style] my own and add personal "JD" touches to it. It's very hard stepping out into your own, trying to find your sense of self and style. It can be very hard when you have so many influencers out there trying to do the same. So what I do is, I step away from social media by going through a cleanse every now and then to find inspiration in things like music, colors, long car rides, and more. So when it's all said and done, I can say "that's me."
See more of Jasmine and her gorgeous hair on her Instagram account @jd_winters too!